How to set up domain and hosting connection?

What should I do if my domain name is with a different company and my hosting service is Cloudrome?

Having your domain name and hosting services in different companies does not cause any problems, but they are usually combined on the same company for the purpose of tracking accounts and payments. However, in cases where you do not transfer your domain name, when you want to combine your domain name with the hosting you purchased on Cloudrome, all you have to do is change the DNS server addresses of your domain name. When you change your domain name's DNS servers, it can take up to 24 hours to resolve DNS addresses.

What are Cloudrome DNS (Nameserver) addresses?

If your domain name is in a different company, our nameserver addresses that you need to forward are as follows:

What should I do if both my domain and hosting service are on Cloudrome?

In this case, you do not need to take any action if you have not made any changes to the default nameserver that comes with the domain.

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